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Saturday, December 10, 2022

Captured Excel now, I'm taking PowerPoint

Good Afternoon Colleagues,

 I am very proud and extremely relived to announce that I have excelled over Excel and can finally exhale. As important as breathing sounds, I cannot afford to waste any time on anything non-squitter to Microsoft Office. I have to ensure all my strength and power point to PowerPoint. Access, it's your ass next. Then I'm out, looking for outlook so tell him I said look out. 


  1. I am proud of you for excelling over Excel ^_^

    PowerPoint is no match for you Walter!

  2. *laughter* your post was truly innovative thank you for sharing your creativity, Walter.

  3. You got this! PowerPoint is much easier.

  4. I was inspired by your presentation! I believe you will do a great job on PowerPoint exam! You're really good!

  5. Excel is not easy. You have reason to be proud! Congrats.

  6. Good luck! I'd take the other MO exams past 300 in the future, but for now, I'm tapping out, IDC !!!! I worked so hard this semester, I don't want to focus on any type of exam during my month break before Spring 2023. Hope you were able to push through as well and exceed your expectations this semester as well.

  7. PowerPoint should be a breeze for you after completing Excel.

  8. Congrats Walter! You got this! PowerPoint will be a breeze for you!
