Blog Buddies

Thursday, September 8, 2022

Old Man in the Class

Proof one may be getting old. I must have used the original way, first created to open an E-mail account. I mean, I did not believe that could even be done. Now I'm sitting here with the deep understanding that had I taken more time to focus and ensure my understanding and comprehension of the assignment, I would not be here blessing you with these old man's confession.

Thanks for reading my rant.



  1. Glad I can you help you register a Google account using your current email address instead of signing up for a new GMail account :-)

    You not old Walter! Welcome to IS101-3012, Fall 2022 ^_^

  2. The first week was without a doubt different. Can’t wait to read your upcoming posts.

  3. Your blog is a breath of fresh air. Of course, I know everything's going to be okay. The first week of school is always difficult, but the rest will be a breeze once you master the proper technique!

  4. Your not that old, I got a 70 year old in my English class and I felt I was old at 31 during my first semester but was quickly out aged by several students.

  5. Love reading you "old man confessions" Walter - you're probably not even that old.

  6. Walter, I am sure you are not as old as you are making it seem. You are not alone. This class is introducing me to many things I was not aware of. I am looking forward to seeing the entire class progress!

  7. There never is a late time to go back to school! I am young but some of the topics Professor Wu talks about in his lectures confuses me since usually wise adults use that lingo. I hope you are able to succeed!

  8. I feel you on the old man in the class sentiment. This is my second time going through CSN and I'm doing almost exactly 10 years after I came through the first time. I do find it a little daunting now that I am older, but I also just try not to get caught up in wishing I would have done this sooner, because like others say and I agree, it's never to late to try something new. You can teach an old dog new tricks.

  9. I like the sleek yet spiritual design of your page. I feel a sense of wisdom from not just your words but your presentation.

  10. Never old, always young at heart. Just learning new ways to do life.

  11. I got confused as well when trying to sign up for a Blogger account. However, I instinctively knew to sign up with my student email because I like to always separate school from personal stuff. And honestly, I'm still confused on how I managed to link my school email to make this account.

  12. I definitely admire your determination to continue your schooling despite your apprehensions! Good luck to you in this class.

  13. It is never too late go back to school, you are a wiser person, and I am sure you have a lot to teach us.

  14. I like the design of your page. I am glad you are continuing to expand your knowledge even more with going back to school. I hope your semester goes well and you succeed.

  15. What do you mean you’re too old? It appears that you handled this task better than I did. Additionally, what counts the most is that you were willing to do it and were able to find a way through.

  16. Old man? I have you beat by decades. I can tell you I was born in the late 50's and have come back to school to reach a goal of mine. We are never too old to learn. Glad to have you in class.

  17. We are never too old to learn. I'm an old student too. Rants are learning experiences too. Keep going, you're going to do great!

  18. You are never too old to go back to school. Anyone can learn anything if you try hard enough.

  19. Hello Walter, you are never to old. Your not the only one I was confused at first as well.
