Blog Buddies

Sunday, September 18, 2022

The right tools for the job

I'm sure we've all heard the saying, "there is more than one way to skin a cat". That may be true, but not when that proverbial cat is IS101. In this class the tools required are dedication, focus, persistence, and drive. I can definitely affirm that for me, if one of these tools like attributes aren't with me, I'm screwed. I don't mind admitting that I've been able to skip through most of my life, not having to give my all at too much. Thanks to IS101, my nonchalant skipping has been transformed into an all-out sprint. I'm out of my comfort zone, and that's ok, because I know I'm growing. Not only in CPU skills, but in my personal life as well.


  1. I am proud that IS101-3012, Fall 2022 is transforming your nonchalant skipping into an all-out-sprint ^_^

    I heard this saying a several years ago: "Growth occurs outside the comfort zone!"

    May dedication, focus, persistence, and drive stay with you :-)

  2. Being out of your comfort zone is a good thing. You're being exposed to things that are forcing you to grow. "Growing pains" only last for a little while, when it's over, you'll look back at what you accomplished and feel really proud that you didn't give up.

  3. Learning a new skill is always a good thing. Teaching an old dog new tricks can be done. I am learning a new trade skills and it wasn't easy. Many of times I look back and said what am I doing here. Years later I have a total of 5 classes left till I graduate IS101 is included in that 5 classes. Don't give up we only have 13 weeks left and class is over.

  4. Comfort zones are meant for people who want to stay where they are with no advancement. Being out of our comfort zones helps push us forward and gain new experiences as well as life skills. A piece of advice for you Walter, if you don't mind, stay out of your comfort zone and push forward with a vengeance. You'll get through with no problem.

    1. ... wow, push forward with a vengeance. Thank you for sharing.

  5. I love the way you write. I find your blog refreshing every time I read it. The metaphors you used, in particular, blew my mind.

  6. I can highly relate to being able to skip through most of life. I've always thought, "if I do the bare minimum, it'll be enough to get by." I'm happy that we somewhat share similar experiences because my mindset is slowly shifting like yours.

  7. The fact that you are out of your comfort zone and have started to sprint. That tells me you don't give up and you have a goal to accomplish. Keep it going.

  8. I need to get on the same page with you! I feel like I am lacking focus and without that tool I am falling behind and finding this class difficult. Which isn't like me.

  9. I agree being out of your comfort zone will make you look at things in a different way. This will help you obtain many skills and healthy habits that will help you throughout your life.

  10. College in general is out of everyone's comfort zone.

  11. I can agree about being out of my comfort zone in IS101. I usually tend to keep to myself and am not very extroverted, but with these blogs and having to comment on other's blog Mr. Wu is encouraging me to open up more and put myself out there.

  12. Results are on the other side of the comfort zone; you can live in it or you can thrive; the devil is in the details.

  13. I agree that being out of our comfort zone will open us up to look at things differently than before.

  14. It's okay to be out of your comfort zone, growing overall is always a good thing. :)

  15. I agree! Recently, I have been slacking a bit because I just needed a mental break from all the overwhelming class work I do. Let us push and persevere!

  16. Being outside your comfort zone helps you grow.

  17. I also have lived my life not pushing myself and am finding myself outside my comfort zone, thank you for sharing.

  18. I'm sure you'll be able to reach your goals in both this class and in your personal life!

  19. It's good that you feel like you can go over this stage because stepping outside of your comfort zone opens the door for new experiences.
