Blog Buddies

Saturday, September 24, 2022

Bits and Bytes facts

This section was so interesting to me. I love seeing how things work, and how they rely on other things functioning properly, to maintain their own proper function. The 8 bits equaling a byte was amazing because I knew of the words but didn't really understand what they actually were. Then to find out that Bits and Bytes correlate with the display and how detailed the screen can be.


  1. If you really want to see something awesome look very closely at a monitor to the point your eye is 2inches from the screen. You should be able to see each individual Light Emitting Diode (LED) changing color.

  2. Glad you found bits and bytes from Chapter 1 interesting :-)

  3. I enjoyed reading about bits and bytes as well. I wasn’t aware of what the terms truly meant until I read that section.

  4. Have to agree about the bits and bytes.

  5. This whole class is amazing to me I really don't use computers in my line of work but its really good to know now I am thinking about getting into a management position at a shop.

  6. I use a computer daily and didn't even know about bits and bytes until this class. I love learning new things.

  7. I quite agree with you. Computers are really fantastic science. I learned a lot from this class that I had never touched before.

  8. All this talk about bits and bytes has gotten me really hungry. I'll see you all at the drive thru!

  9. I find it interesting to know the work behind the screens. Bits and bytes are fascinating and it is weird that we see our screens but never really think about what makes the pictures look the way they do.

  10. True this whole section was new information for me.

  11. After learning about bits and bytes, I was definitely lost in a train of thought where I was thinking about how many bytes it takes to form certain words. Too many.

  12. Seeing the bytes written out in binary is something else. Here is 12,345,677,899 bytes in binary. 0b1011011111110111000001100001001011 which is 98765423192 converted to bits

  13. I agree with you. I knew the terms but never stopped to think or research their actual meanings.

  14. Binary coding is so confusing to me. Bits and Bytes are interesting to learn but it hurt my head to understand.

  15. I also find it interesting to see how bits and bytes work together with the screen to make a very detailed picture.

  16. I've really been finding a lot of these topics informative as well.

  17. I wasn't sure what Bits and Bytes meant until reading this section in LabSim myself.

  18. Learning how things work is truly fascinating, however since this Bits & Bytes segment dealt with technology, I found it a little difficult to understand.
