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Saturday, October 8, 2022

Customization, Indentation & Tabs

Customization Facts 3.2.3

Being able to customize windows is probably my favorite feature. Being able to personalize the tool bars is a tool that makes creating and editing documents so much easier. The split window option allows me the ability to look over multiple sections of my work without having to continuously scroll up and down. Another great tool offered by word is the view tab. Being able to view my document in different ways such as reader view, really allows me to focus on how my document is laid out and how they will be viewed.

Indentation and Tabs 4.4.2

Indenting as well as tab spacing done correctly will leave any document with a more distinguished and professional look. Not only does indentation allow one to clearly see where a paragraph ends, it is essential when writing MLA style papers. This feature has a feature that works wonderfully with information that needs to be cited. It's called the "Hanging Indent".


  1. Only one topic from either Chapter 3 or Chapter 4 is required, not one topic from each chapter :-)

    Yes, it is definitely helpful to be able to customize the windows settings in Microsoft Office such as split window and different views!

    Indentation and tabs are old staples of document formatting. Glad you learned of the hanging indent ^_^

  2. I agree, being able to customize Windows is the best. It gives you the artistic freedom to do what you like. I love updating my wallpapers and themes for my browsers and even my desktop.

  3. When do we really use and or seek out the usage of customizing, indenting and using tab in the content we consume in our daily lives? For example, the caption you read in a Facebook/Instagram post, I ask, when is the tools from Word used? I am not saying its useless, but there is a time and place to need it, like working at the Review-Journal. In the past, I have worked at legal services company, I feel that the info I learned in MO-100 would have been very useful.

  4. Word has so many great features and functions. I love the fact that now, after finishing the chapters associated with Word, I can effectively write better documents much faster and professional.

  5. Being able to understand and use the word features makes it easy for us students with our work. I really like word now.

  6. Yes, indentation is essential when we write MLA style papers. I like that I’m able to customize the sizes of indents and margins.

  7. Being able to customize Windows is great. You can change whatever you like to your preference.

  8. Customizing is great. Thanks for the information.

  9. Yes, I agree with your second topic. You very much do use these features in a professional office environment.

  10. Right, I created a macro to auto format my new pages to MLA 9 settings.

  11. I personally still have a bit of confusion with indentation, but that can easily be fixed.

  12. Customization allows each office user to express their creativity with documents

  13. There are so many useful tools in Word. I personally like to use the Compare feature in the Review tab. This is super helpful when needing to review a document that was revised but no changes were tracked. You can compare the original document to the revised document and clearly see where changes were made without having to scan every word.

  14. In Eng113 and Eng114, the MLA format has been a significant headache for me. If I can learn IS-101 before this course, I believe my previous study will be elementary!

  15. I also found myself impressed by the features on Word that I hadn't been familiar with before.

  16. I agree, the split window option is a life saver glad we are all learning together.

  17. Customization allows for individuality and creativity.

  18. Truly, until I reached that part of the LabSim, I was unaware of the view tab. When modifying a finished document to make sure it looks professional, this is a helpful tool to utilize.

  19. These newer versions of Windows and Microsoft applications would have been very helpful about 20 plus years ago when I was going through school, I'm about to sound old, these kids these days don't know about the struggles of the days before preset formats and customization features.
