Blog Buddies

Saturday, September 24, 2022

Bits and Bytes facts

This section was so interesting to me. I love seeing how things work, and how they rely on other things functioning properly, to maintain their own proper function. The 8 bits equaling a byte was amazing because I knew of the words but didn't really understand what they actually were. Then to find out that Bits and Bytes correlate with the display and how detailed the screen can be.

Sunday, September 18, 2022

The right tools for the job

I'm sure we've all heard the saying, "there is more than one way to skin a cat". That may be true, but not when that proverbial cat is IS101. In this class the tools required are dedication, focus, persistence, and drive. I can definitely affirm that for me, if one of these tools like attributes aren't with me, I'm screwed. I don't mind admitting that I've been able to skip through most of my life, not having to give my all at too much. Thanks to IS101, my nonchalant skipping has been transformed into an all-out sprint. I'm out of my comfort zone, and that's ok, because I know I'm growing. Not only in CPU skills, but in my personal life as well.

Thursday, September 8, 2022

Old Man in the Class

Proof one may be getting old. I must have used the original way, first created to open an E-mail account. I mean, I did not believe that could even be done. Now I'm sitting here with the deep understanding that had I taken more time to focus and ensure my understanding and comprehension of the assignment, I would not be here blessing you with these old man's confession.

Thanks for reading my rant.
